Q - How much does it cost to register my child in U9?
A - The cost is $270 with fundraising or $470 without fundraising (fundraising requirement includes 10 shifts in canteen per registered child)
Q - When are the U9 ice times?
A - The weekly practice times for U9 are Fridays at 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:45 a.m.
Q - Is there a deadline to register for U9?
A - No, for U9 you can register at any time.
Q - Do the U9's play games?
A - No, but there is potential to attend U9 jamborees through the season.
Q - What equipment is needed?
A - Skates, helmet with a mask, and mittens or gloves (your child can wear as much other gear, such as shin pads, elbow pads, etc., depending on what you and they are comfortable with).
Q - How long is the season?
A - The season runs from October to the end of March.
Q - How old does my child need to be to join?
A - We usually suggest kids starting at 4 or 5 years old, but it depends on the child.
For any further questions, contact Marlene Connell at marlene.connell52@gmail.com